9 Foolproof Ways to Deal with Irate Clients without Losing Business

“Customer service”, these two words spell distress for even the most seasoned agents. However providing quality customer service is what sets apart your firm or business from others. Provided you are willing to walk that extra mile to resolve the ire of unhappy or dissatisfied customers/clients.   As an angry customer hollers over the phone… Continue reading 9 Foolproof Ways to Deal with Irate Clients without Losing Business

9 Common Invoicing Mistakes That You Should Avoid

So you have done the work, sold the products and services and the time to get paid for your efforts has finally arrived.    Sounds awesome?    Well, indeed it is!   However, pardon us, as we might just burst your bubble with commonly made bloopers in invoicing that can set you back professionally and… Continue reading 9 Common Invoicing Mistakes That You Should Avoid