Tips & Tricks To Maintain Easy And Positive Cash Flow Management

It is optimally best for any startup owner upon spending the seed money wisely towards promising good start of a business. Try to avoid investing all at once. It is a part of the Cash Flow Management System. Cash flow plays a very important role for business owners. Especially the ones who have just begun… Continue reading Tips & Tricks To Maintain Easy And Positive Cash Flow Management

Invoice Designing Tips That Can Accelerate Payments

Maintaining an inbound-outbound cash stream is crucial for any business. More often than not, a business’s outgoing cash flow is more frequent than the incoming. In other words, on a regular basis, any business has a recurring expense of employee’s salary, purchase inventory and other miscellaneous expenditure all of which requires money. Now, in the… Continue reading Invoice Designing Tips That Can Accelerate Payments

Online Accounting Software: Is It Beneficial For Business?

For small and medium business owners, it is very imperative to maintain cash flow and look into the finances from time to time. The problem arises when your current accounting system isn’t that efficient to let you know every detail instantly. Moreover, when this manual process becomes too lengthy and tedious, it is a sign… Continue reading Online Accounting Software: Is It Beneficial For Business?

When Is The Best Time To Send Invoices To Clients?

There are times when you might have to go on an outcall as a part of field service responsibility to help your team with the sales call. This also means that you have to punch out of the office for the day and have to manage the business financials of your business starting from balancing… Continue reading When Is The Best Time To Send Invoices To Clients?

Key Difference Between Purchase Orders (P.O) and Invoices?

It’s all about maintaining the balance, isn’t it? And the same can be implied when it comes to managing your business as well. Whether small or large business, every trade goes through the billing and invoicing related process. Few of the terms such as ‘Purchase Order’, ‘Invoice Estimates’, etc sometimes can confuse you and tend… Continue reading Key Difference Between Purchase Orders (P.O) and Invoices?

Important & Common Invoicing Mistakes To Avoid As A Freelancer

Invoicing is critical, invoicing is important, invoicing is everything. Yes, irrespective whether you have a small or large business organization or startup, invoicing is crucial for every segment of the business. Especially, if you are a freelancer, this becomes the primary source to get paid for your work.   When you put together a proper… Continue reading Important & Common Invoicing Mistakes To Avoid As A Freelancer